CLIENT: Oncology Center
PURPOSE: Staff Appreciation
In preparation for Nurses Week, an oncology center wanted to plan a special appreciation event for their staff. The administration reached out to patients receiving regular treatment at the facility and collected short messages of thanks from those willing to participate. They chose five of the messages and had them imprinted on 25-sheet pads of the Souvenir 4x3 Adhesive Sticky Notes. Each nurse received a gift basket that included one of each of the five pads. The facility continued to use the Sticky Noteā¢ pads throughout the year, and patients and nurses loved the positive reminders accompanying each note.
Here are some additional promotional office and meeting ideas:
Good Value House Calendar Magnet
3/4" Adjustable Polyester Lanyard
3-in-1 Ruler Magnifier Letter Opener
Two-Tone 6x8 Journal with Leather Closure
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